Saturday, August 29, 2009

Been Forever...

So it has been forever since I have updated my blog. It has been such a crazy, but fun summer. We just got back from our first family road trip. We were gone for three weeks, which is a long time but not long enough. It was hard to come home. We had so much. It was so great to see everyone and do so many fun things. We went to South Dakota first to see Mt Rushmore, then onto Colorado to see some friends, to Utah to see family and then off to Las Vegas to visit Mike's sister and family. The kids had a blast and they were very good in the car. Ava was a little rock star. We would stop every three hours and she was ready to jump out and get out of her seat. Ethan and Bella watched the same movie over and over again. I think Mike and I could repeat the whole movie. We brought over twenty different movies but of course the kids wanted to watch the same ones over and over again. So now that we are at home I hid them. We were able to see so many things. It was a breath of fresh air. It is such a pretty drive.

In South Dakota we went to Mt Rushmore, Bear Country and to Reptile Gardens. At Bear Country you drive threw the park and the animals come right up my your car. We saw over fifty bears and other animals. Reptile Gardens was full of snakes and gators. The kids thought that was so neat. Mt Rushmore was I think the best part. It was so amazing to see up close. We stayed in South Dakota for two nights.Then we were off to Colorado. We stayed with our friends Seth and Renee. The sweetest people ever. We went up to Estes Park and then went to a hot springs. That was my favorite part so far. It was in GlenWood Springs. We stayed at a resort there. Then on our way to Utah we drove to Aspen and Vale. I was hoping to see a super star but no such luck. It was so cool in Aspen. The shops and everything were so much fun to look at.

Off to Utah next. We stayed at Mike's Aunt and Uncle home. The Andersons. We had so much fun. They treated us like royally. Mike and Richard went golfing a couple times and Sue and I chatted with her girls. We went shopping and just hung out. It was very relaxing. We were able to go and see every ones homes. They are all so cute....I got some great ideas..Thanks Guys. We also took the kids to Temple Square. It was so hot. It was neat to see but our children were crazy.
Then we were off to Las Vegas. Bobbie and Amy fed us so good. We ate so much. We hung out at there pool and vegged. It was so nice to relax. We also saw a couple shows. We saw Re Leve, Phantom of The Opera and The Knights At The Round Table with the Kids. Ethan was glowing. It was his thing. He loves he was so into it and excited.
Over all it was so much fun. We will for such take another road trip again. After Mike and I get one alone!:) It was nice just to be with Mike and the kids and enjoy each other. We are so thankful to those of you that shared your homes with us. We thank you and can't wait to see you guys again.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Family Pictures

We got a new family picture taken. It is our first family picture with our little Ava. It was fun to get one, but so hard to get everyone to look at the camera. We got Grandpa Joe(Ethan) Who likes wearing his glasses on his nose, Bella who has this weird smile going on and Ava who likes to look at her crazy brother. All the pictures I have taken are fun memories to look back on. I keep telling Mike I may take alot of pictures but one day the kids will thank me...I hope. :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Our Little Ones

I went and got the kids pictures taken. Ethan was a true nightmare. He wouldn't smile and he kept closing his eyes or smiling with this huge cheesy smile. I was giving him the evil eyes but that didn't even work. At the very end we finally got one that was cute. Ava was drooling all over. Her shirt was so wet. She was smiling and laughing...she did better then Ethan.

Our Little Dancer

Isabella had her first Dance Rectial. We are so proud of her. She did such a great job. We were a little nervous. We weren't sure if she was the dancing girl, but she got on that stage and danced her little heart out. I was such a proud mom I started to cry. It brought so much joy to me to see my little girl dancing. She said she loves dancing. Watching all the kids dance, made me miss dancing and teaching so much. So it is great to hear from my daughter that she loves dancing and to see her on that stage dance away.

Aunt Maggie and Uncle Chris came to cheer her on.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ava Is 7 Months Now.

Out little Ava is getting big. For a seven month old she is small but for us she is huge. She is such a fun baby now. She is getting better in the car now. Bella is my little angel. She is right there ready to help Ava. Ava is laughing, smiling and rolling from her tummy to her back now.

We have been hospital free for two months now! Yea!! They are still watching her very closely, dealing with the one kidney, but another then that she has been healthy. She still has one kidney stone left but it hasn't moved at all so that is good. She is still on a special formula so we hope she will be off that soon. Her calcium in her blood has still been high, so we go in for blood work alot.

Ethan and Bella just love her so much. Mike and I love to watch the kids with her. They are so protective of there little sister. We are enjoying her every moment.

Bella The Ballerina

Bella the Ballerina...Bella is getting ready for her dance rectial. She is getting so excited. Her rectial is this coming weekend. She just got done having her dance pictures taken.

Karate Man

Ethan just started Karate. He loves it. I think this is going to be his thing. It teaches respect, discipline and he has a blast. He just got his first while belt and his black stripe and red. He is so excited. His friend Curtis also does it with him.